Xelor Awakening
Xelor Awakening
Nox, from the animated series "Wakfu," is a complex and enigmatic character whose story is marked by tragedy, obsession, and redemption. Initially introduced as a formidable antagonist, Nox's motivations and actions are driven by a deep-seated desire to undo a grievous mistake from his past.
Physically, Nox appears as a tall, imposing figure clad in ornate, steampunk-inspired armor. His appearance is striking, with his face obscured by a metallic mask adorned with glowing blue eyes, hinting at his mysterious nature. Despite his imposing presence, Nox carries an air of melancholy and regret, reflecting the weight of his past actions.
Experience art that feels silky to the touch with our high-quality, lighter-weight, classic semi-glossy paper.
- It has a paper weight of 170 gsm/ 65 lb, making it perfect for creating long-lasting prints that are preserved in pristine condition for years to come.
- We use FSC-certified paper or equivalent certifications depending on regional availability. It’s better for the people and the planet.
- Each poster is shipped in robust packaging, ensuring it arrives safe and secure.
- Paper sizes may vary slightly by region. For the US and Canada, the measurement is in inches, while for the rest of the world, it is in centimeters.
- It is printed and shipped on demand. No minimums are required.